Andre' Coakley

"The Customer Service Kang"

67% OF New Credit Repair Companies Fail In The First 3 Years.....

When I was just starting out as a young entrepreneur, I had a dream of creating a groundbreaking credit repair company, and that was it, just a dream. It wasn’t easy establishing a successful business. It was slow and frustrating.

After many years working with thousands of entrepreneurs struggling to make it, I have come to realize that many entrepreneurs need guidance and helpful information, just like I did.

I Had No Idea About What It Takes To Start a Business And I Had No Mentors To Teach Me Either.....

This is the reason why I am spurred to be a mentor to people who once struggled as I did by teaching entrepreneurs how to START A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, that cannot fail. So you can finally have that life you’ve always dreamed of.

The last few years of my life have been spent working on a course that ensures you to get that. When you get my Shut Up, Startup, And Scale Up Playbook for success, you’ll get an interactive step-by-step system that takes you from ground zero to the top. You will learn from all the lessons I have learned from a lifetime of success and failures.

Learn these basics of branding, advertising, and grass root marketing techniques to gain a better insight to understand and reach your ideal customers.

  • The Psychology of Influence: How to develop an authoritative “voice.”
  • The Business Client Retention Techniques: “Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate!” 
  • Understanding the Client: Knowing your client better than he/she knows himself/herself
  • Master billing clients and how to get paid on time
  • eRelationships: How to Engage and Dialogue with Clients Online
  • Quality and Value – What they really are and how to create them to achieve the value you deserve.

We’ve helped other business owners just like you learn what it takes to grow their 7-Figure Businesses from Start-Ups.  I often hear stories of my strategies doubling, tripling or even QUADRUPLING business owners revenue just through my Customer Experience and Customer Retention Strategies.

Tap Into My Secret Formulas For Success

With the information available in my playbook and mind map for success, you will give your company a solid base for building immediate growth. My Shut Up, Startup, and Scale Up course will provide you with the secret formula I’ve implemented time and time again and always yield success. With it, you are guaranteed a shoot up in income and rise to the next level! What’s most important as an entrepreneur is to be committed to making improvements so you can get the life you want. The good thing, you don’t have to go hard like I did to improve yourself.
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Take A Sneak Peak Into the Playbook

Playbook Course Curriculum

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    Mind Map 1 - Attracting New Prospects

    • Mind Map 1 - Attracting New Clients

    • Attracting New Prospects

    • Chapter 1: Press and Media Coverage: How to Write a Polished Press Release?

    • Chapter 2: Generating Referrals: Constructing a Referral System To Solidify Your Brand

    • Chapter 3: Rewarding - Your Awesome Guide to Rewards and Incentives

    • Chapter 4: Asking - How to Ask for Referrals and Get More Clients

    • Chapter 5: Networking - Powerful Business Networking Skills to Build Rapport Quickly

    • Chapter 6: Open House - Open House Best Practices and Checklist

    • Chapter 7: Joint Ventures - 7 Reasons Why Collaboration Joint Ventures are Important

    • Chapter 8: Webinars - How to Host a Webinar You Audience Will Rave About

    • Chapter 9: Guest Blogging - Blogging 101: The Ultimate Blogging Guide

    • Chapter 10: Presentation/Speaking Events: How to Give a Killer Presentation

    • Chapter 11: Live Events - How to Plan, Promote and Host a Successful Live Event

    • Chapter 12: Online Events - Introduction To Effective Hosting Of Online Events And Webinars

    • Chapter 13: Webpage - How to Take Your Small Business and Make it Large Online

    • Chapter 14: Advertising - What does Successful Brand Advertising Look Like?

    • Chapter 15: Social Media - Using Social Media As An Effective Way to Build Your Brand

    • Chapter 16: Youtube - Maximizing Your Business YouTube Page With These Simple Steps

    • Chapter 17: Blogs - Blogging Strategies and Tactics for Business Success

    • Chapter 18: LinkedIn - How Are Professionals Like You Are Using Linkedin To Grow Their Brands?

    • Chapter 19: Facebook - Mastering Facebook Business Guidelines for Success

    • Chapter 20: Twitter - How to use Twitter to Promote Your Business

    • Chapter 21: Organic SEO - SEO Made Simple an Introductory Guide

    • Chapter 22: Free Gifts - Using Giveaways and Gifts As Forms of Lead Magnets

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    Mind Map 2 - Building Relationships with Prospects and Resources

    • Mind Map 2 - Building Relationships with Prospects and Resources

    • Building Relationships with Prospects and Resources

    • Chapter 23: Contact Management Systems - Understanding the Smart Approach to CMS

    • Chapter 24: Success Stories - Telling Stories That Sale- Customer Success Story Template

    • Chapter 25: Case Studies - Creating Case Studies That Captivate

    • Chapter 26: Client Testimonials: What Details Make a Compelling Client Testimonial?

    • Chapter 27: Social Proof - Using Social Proof to Increase Conversations

    • Chapter 28: Greeting Cards - The Why, When and How of Sending Client Greeting Cards

    • Chapter 29: Email Marketing - Using Email Marketing to Create Powerful Engagement Opportunities

    • Chapter 30: Auto-responder - The Ultimate Email Auto-Responder Script Template

    • Chapter 31: Newsletter - Designing and Setting Up and Effective Newsletter

    • Chapter 32: Ask What They Need - Understanding the Customers’ Needs

    • CHAPTER 33: Pain Points - How to Massage Out Your Customer Pain Points

    • Chapter 34: Goal Setting - The benefits of Goal Setting for Client Success

    • Chapter 35: Surveys - Why Customer Satisfaction Surveys Are Important

    • Chapter 36: Phone - Rapport Building Techniques Broken Down

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    Mind Map 3 - Initial Invites To Consultations

    • Mind Map 3 - Consultations: How To Run An Effective Consultation

    • Initial Invites To Consultations

    • Chapter 37: Numbers Game - The Importance of Understanding Your Customer Churn Rate

    • Chapter 38: Face to Face - Building Customer Trust In Face to Face Settings

    • Chapter 39: Phone Consultations - The Essential Rules of Phone Etiquette

    • Chapter 40: Compelling Value - Creating Compelling Value Propositions That Convert

    • Chapter 41: Introductory Events - Online and Offline Introductory Events Guide

    • Chapter 42: Online Scheduling: The Ultimate Benefits to Online Scheduling

    • Chapter 43: Email and Phone Invitations - The Element of a Great Invitation

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    Mind Map 4 - Enrolling Paid Client (Sales)

    • Mind Map #3 - Enroll Paid Clients: How To Turn Leads into Paid Clients in 7 Easy Steps

    • Enrolling Paid Client (Sales)

    • Chapter 44: Tracking Conversions - Why You Should be Tracking Conversions Now and Not Later

    • Chapter 45: Compelling Offers - How To Create Compelling Offers That Stick

    • Chapter 46: Powerful Initial Consultations - How to Turn a Free Consultation into a Slam Dunk

    • Chapter 47: Connect and Relate - Making an emotional connection can make a customer decide when to buy

    • Chapter 48: Handling Common Objections - Common Sales Objections And How To Handle Them

    • Chapter 49: Follow Up - How To Effectively Follow Up With Your Potential Clients Without Irritating Them

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    Mind Map 5 - Retention and Repeat Business

    • Mind Map #5 - Retention and Repeat Business: Repeat Customers Are More Profitable for Growth

    • Retention and Repeat Business

    • Chapter 50: Provide Unexpected Value - Leaving Memorable Impression By Providing Unexpected Value In Every Encounter

    • Chapter 51: Customer Acknowledgement and Appreciation - An Introduction to Customer Appreciation

    • Chapter 52: Meet Their Needs At Each New Level - Understanding Customer Experience By Tracking Their Journey

    • Chapter 53: Programs and Packages - Bundle Up: The Best Package Deals to Grow Your Client List

    • Chapter 54: Evaluation and Feed Back - 7 Reasons Why Customer Feedback Is Important To Your Business

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    Additional Resourses and Tools

    • Thanks for Taking the Time to Invest In Yourself

    • The 11 Customer Success Metric Formulas That Actually Matter

    • Glossary - Sales and Marketing Business Terms

    • Download the Entire PDF Version of the Playbook

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    Cheat Sheets

    • Ideal Customer Worksheet

    • Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

    • Discovery Call Cheat Sheet

    • Handling Objections Cheat Sheet

    • Persuasive Language Cheat Sheet

    • These Seven Words Sell - Cheat Sheet

    • The 15 Mistakes That Customer Service Reps Make

  • 9

    Practice Final Exam

    • Practice Final Exam

Check Out the Reviews

Reading Credit Report

kelly armstrong

Great information on how to read these reports when working with mortgage lenders and understanding how underwriters review these reports for loan approval.

Great information on how to read these reports when working with mortgage lenders and understanding how underwriters review these reports for loan approval.

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