400+ Pages of Credit Repair Factual Disputing Instructions, Flowcharts and Dispute Letters

Improve your Personal Credit or Start Your Own Credit Repair Business. 

This 400+ Page Playbook Includes  Dispute Letters, Flowcharts, and Instructions. Learn the Strategies and Techniques to Repair Credit from a Systematic Approach.


  • You are going to get Sample 85 Dispute Letters for every situation. (PRICELESS)
  • You are going to be told why it works with written PDF dispute instructions 
  • You are going to get step by step visual  instructions with color flowcharts

However, this guide will provide some heavy-duty factual disputing tactics that have been fundamental to the success of many individuals and credit repair companies.  

That is exactly what this guidebook is going to help you do. You will learn some of the basics that are needed in order to understand credit scores and how you can help them or harm them if you are not careful when trying to repair them.

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Shut and Start-up Your Credit Repair Company Course Curriculum

These are all the steps needed to start a successful credit repair company.

  • 1

    Introduction and Table of Content

    • Introduction and Table of Content

  • 2

    Understanding the Basics of Credit

    • The Difference Between Credit Bureaus, Reports and Scores

    • What Does Your Credit Score Measure?

    • Which Credit Bureaus and Score Is The Most Important?

    • Which Credit Bureaus, Report or Score Is The Most Accurate?

    • How Often Do Credit Scores and Credit Reports Updates?

    • The Credit Bureau with the Lowest, Middle or Highest Score

    • All You Need To Know About the Credit Score That Everyone Starts With

    • Can You Build Credit History and Scores by Paying Bills?

    • How Credit Scores are Impacted by Installment Loans

    • 2020 Consumer Credit Card Industry Study

  • 3

    Building Credit

    • Complete Guide to Personal Credit Cards for Building Credit

    • What Are The Different Types of Credit Cards?

    • How Credit Scores Can Be Affected by Credit Cards

    • How Does Your Credit Card Affect Your Credit Score? Part 2

    • In-Depth Explanation of Pre-Approved Credit Card Offers

    • Choosing a Credit Card: How To Evaluate Credit card Offers

    • A Complete Guide to Credit Inquires

  • 4

    Repairing Credit

    • 8 Reason You Cannot Ignore Bad Credit

    • What is Statue of Limitations?

    • Statue of Limitations on Credit Cards and Other Debt

    • All You Need To Know About The E-Oscar Method of Investigation of Credit Disputes

    • How To Deal With Debt Collectors Successfully and Calmly

    • Ways To Win With Debt Collectors

    • Credit Repair Actions That Can Impact Credit Scores

    • General Guide to Help You Dispute Negative Credit For Better Results

    • How to Dispute Collection Accounts on Reports

    • Delete Collection Accounts from Credit Reports with a "Pay For Delete Agreement"

    • Top Strategies to Remove Charge=Off's From Credit Reports

    • Car Repossessions and Credit Disputes

    • Stratigies for Tackling and Disputing Judements on Credit Reports

    • The Ultimate Guide to Repairing Credit

  • 5

    Factual Disputing Methodology - 6 Round Instructions and Flowcharts

    • The Investigate, Interrogate, Validate or Escalate Methodology

    • Round 1 Flowchart and Instructions

    • Round 2 - Flowcharts and Instructions

    • Round 3 - Flowchart and Instructions

    • Round 4 - Flowchart and Instructions

    • Round 5 - Flowchart and Instructions

    • Round 6 - Flowchart and Instructions

  • 6

    Speciality Dispute Flowcharts and Instructions

    • Basic Dispute Flowchart and Instructions

    • Collections Flowchart and Instructions

    • Inquires Flowchart and Instructions

    • Removing Late Payments - Flowchart and Instructions

    • Removing Bankruptcies and Other Public Records

  • 7

    85 Sample Dispute Letters for Various Scenarios

    • 85 Sample Dispute Letters - Rounds 1 - 6

  • 8

    Credit Repair Laws and Statues

    • Every Credit Repair Law You Need To Know

    • Credit Card Dates You Need to Know

    • Statue of Limitation on Debt Reporting

    • State Statue of Limitation All 50 States

    • Statue Of Limitation On Credit Reporting

    • State Credit Repair Laws & Statues

    • State Credit Repair Laws and Statues

    • Credit Repair Contracts - State Requirements

    • Consumer Guide: Free Credit Reports & Scores

    • Errors and Gotchas: How Credit Report Errors and Unreliable Credit Scores Hurt Consumers

    • Understanding the Fair Credit Reporting Act

    • CFBP Consumer Response Annual Report - 2019

Andre' Coakley

"The Customer Service Kang"

67% OF New Credit Repair Companies Fail In The First 3 Years.....

When I was just starting out as a young entrepreneur, I had a dream of creating a groundbreaking credit repair company, and that was it, just a dream. It wasn’t easy establishing a successful business. It was slow and frustrating.

After many years working with thousands of entrepreneurs struggling to make it, I have come to realize that many entrepreneurs need guidance and helpful information, just like I did.

I Had No Idea About What It Takes To Start a Business And I Had No Mentors To Teach Me Either.....

This is the reason why I am spurred to be a mentor to people who once struggled as I did by teaching entrepreneurs how to START A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, that cannot fail. So you can finally have that life you’ve always dreamed of.

The last few years of my life have been spent working on a course that ensures you to get that. When you get my Shut Up, Startup, And Scale Up Playbook for success, you’ll get an interactive step-by-step system that takes you from ground zero to the top. You will learn from all the lessons I have learned from a lifetime of success and failures.

Learn these basics of branding, advertising, and grass root marketing techniques to gain a better insight to understand and reach your ideal customers.

  • The Psychology of Influence: How to develop an authoritative “voice.”
  • The Business Client Retention Techniques: “Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate!” 
  • Understanding the Client: Knowing your client better than he/she knows himself/herself
  • Master billing clients and how to get paid on time
  • eRelationships: How to Engage and Dialogue with Clients Online
  • Quality and Value – What they really are and how to create them to achieve the value you deserve.

We’ve helped other business owners just like you learn what it takes to grow their 7-Figure Businesses from Start-Ups.  I often hear stories of my strategies doubling, tripling or even QUADRUPLING business owners revenue just through my Customer Experience and Customer Retention Strategies.

Credit Repair Dispute Guide

BENEFITS TO YOU You are going to get Sample 85 Dispute Letters for every situation. (PRICELESS) You are going to be told why it works with written PDF dispute instructions. You are going to get step-by-step visual instructions with color flowcharts.
Purchase Now